Doing a little reflecting...

So I've spent this week looking around and deciding what areas in my house really do and don't work for me so I can decide what I can improve on to make my home run more smoothly! I have decided I am going to do some before and after pictures (please keep in mind most of these messes are after the holiday rush my house is not normally this bad) this also brings me to my next point if my house can get this bad from something as little as a holiday and a few extra people, what can I do to prevent it from getting this bad? There are going to be some changes around here with me launching my new etsy shop, my husband starting into his next quarter of college, my daughter just turning 1 and embracing all of her new abilities as well as my little man turning the big 5! I think this is going to be a really fun year I can't wait to get it started! With a new and improved house and me! Bring it on 2014

2014 To Do List

-Get my house running smoother
-Organize like crazy :)
-Read more
-Fit working out into my schedule
-Have all of us eating better
-Use my crock pot more
-Get Connor into a sport
-Have more me time
-See my friends more
-Blog more
-Take more pictures
-Do a Happiness Project


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