Week 3: Organize (Holiday Ready)


11/15- 11/21

It should be much easier now that things are cleaned and purged to make it all look orderly. Also make sure you are up keeping on your regular everyday cleaning, continue with making beds every day and doing a load of laundry every day from start to finish.

Friday: Go through kitchen one more time make it look orderly. Go through anything in the refrigerator that needs to be thrown out make room for left overs

Saturday: Kids rooms- organize dressers, closets, toys and books

Sunday: Bedroom and Guestroom (or where guests will be staying) organize tops of dresser end tables, make room for guests things, put together in a basket soaps extra towels ext. for guests

Monday: Organize living room movies coffee tables any problem areas 

Tuesday: Organize bathroom clear out shower organize drawers and cabinets make sure first aid is stocked up 

Wednesday: Organize office/ bill pay area make sure everything is paid up or ready to be paid so there is nothing to worry about through the holiday, budget if you do black Friday shopping.

Thursday: Catch-up day clean up and organize anything you feel still needs extra attention do a walk through of your house see if there is anything that needs improving!


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